Vision and Mission

The Universities forming the KreativEU consortium agreed to the common goal of establishing a fully European University, that places the creative potential derived from Europe’s cultural heritage at the heart of its teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities. Committing to a long-term institutional, structural and strategic cooperation the partners will jointly implement an ambitious yet inclusive vision for transforming the study of culture, identity, memory and heritage for the benefit of society.  

Building upon this strong foundation, KreativEU will provide the EU with innovative concepts, methods, and solutions to address both current and future challenges, contributing to a sustainable and harmonious future for communities and the environment alike. Our comprehensive strategy endeavors to instill a profound appreciation for the interplay of cultural and ecological stewardship, positioning the alliance as a catalyst for positive transformation across local, regional, and global domains.   

KreativEU recognizes the inseparable interconnection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as the interwoven nature of local and national traditions, crafts, cultural practices, and folklore. The alliance is dedicated to formulating cutting-edge educational and research programmes that reevaluate these elements and their associated ecological surroundings, the lived environment, especially in the context of the digital age. This ecocultural vision serves as the foundational principle guiding KreativEU's efforts, ensuring that its initiatives not only embrace cultural and ecological interconnectedness but also leverage digital advancements to enhance the accessibility, dissemination, and understanding of cultural heritage.  

Going beyond established approaches to cultural heritage, the novel approach of ecocultural identity brings together the research perspectives of cultural and life sciences at a crucial point, the human being, and can be described as where culture meets ecology. The ecocultural identity approach acknowledges that the environment itself and how we read it is shaped by cultural practices. Thus, the concept will foster a strong sense of shared purpose between the KreativEU members, as it provides a bridge to intensified collaboration beyond the social sciences and humanities with researchers across our institutions dealing with key global challenges such as climate mitigation, CO₂ sequestration, biodiversity loss, aging population, and the spread of zoonotic diseases.  

KreativEU is unique in its kind, offering a competitive and an attractive European education and research system, with students, researchers, academics and society, at large, cooperating within different cultures and across borders and academic disciplines.

The Consortium

Based on the core values summarised above, the KreativEU Alliance (Polytechnic University of Tomar (IPT, Portugal) (Lead Partner); D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (TAE, Bulgaria); University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB, Czech Republic); University of Camerino (UNICAM, Italy); University of Greifswald (UG, Germany); Breda University of Applied Sciences (Buas, Netherlands); Opole University of Technology (OUTech, Poland); Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT, Romania); Trnava University (TUT, Slovakia); Södertörn University (SH, Sweden); and Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (ATU, Turkey)) developed their joint long-term institutional, structural and strategic cooperation, as to have a fully operational KreativEU European University by 2034.

Between 2025 and 2028 a pilot phase will be implemented in close collaboration with students, academics and researchers’ body, in order to promote the inclusion, access and participation of under-represented groups and minorities and in order to balance gender equality. A four‐years evaluation cycle will be accomplished for the monitoring of the full operation of the European University as to account for the next phase. By 2029 and until 2034 an implementation phase will take the fore, based on the established joint structures, joint curricula, joint research groups and other joint activities.

A collective effort began in 2021 with the first brainstorming meetings between founder Universities.

The journey toward consortium formalization witnessed pivotal moments during a series of meetings, with Tomar, Portugal, acting as a focal point in both September 2022 and October 2023 meetings. These gatherings set the groundwork for the consortium’s evolution and strengthened its resolve to advance shared goals. As the consortium evolved, subsequent meetings in Montpellier, Adana, České Budějovice, Svishtov, Trnava, Targoviste, and Camerino solidified its framework, with seven founding members, which led by the Polytechnic University of Tomar, secured 81 points and a Seal of Excellence in the 2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call. After the October 2023 meeting in Tomar, the consortium expanded to eleven HEIs.

The KreativEU consortium was established based on:

1. The willingness of the eleven members to develop a unique alliance of HEIs across Europe, linking and connecting differing tangible and intangible cultural identities to a common European value;

2. The complementarity and interdisciplinarity offered among the consortium, especially in research and education;

3. The small size but high-ranking profile of the eleven HEIs. With a total number of 74558 students almost all institutions have under 10000 students, but they are ranked high among small HEIs, especially in relation to their pioneering and interdisciplinary approach to cultural heritage preservation, enhancement and valorisation;

4. Prior cooperation especially within Erasmus projects and mobility agreements, with several researchers already collaborating across the several institutions;

5. The wide geographical coverage. Partners were chosen based on their differing cultural traditions and identities and on their potential of representativeness in the European level. This is of the utmost importance to foster outstanding deliverables and a high impact.

6. All partner institutions are based on historical cities.

During the pilot phase, many tasks will require to expand this network and actively engage associated partners and stakeholders. More than 100 associated partners have already been involved, according to their own specific expertises.

The KreativEU will create a unique educational and research approach that places creativity in the core of its transversal activities, being an open and innovative space for mobility, with internal and external actors benefiting from shared knowledge, training and research.


Polytechnic University of Tomar (IPT) - Portugal

The Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) is a public higher education institution born in 1982. Through innovative research, it aims at providing solutions to society's challenges, guaranteeing that its graduates face workplace challenges by holding wide-ranging links with employers and businesses. IPT’s structure holds three schools: a Management School, located in Tomar, and two Technology schools, one in Tomar and one in Abrantes.

Presently, about 3300 members are part of our academic community: 3000 students, 230 lecturers and 100 technical and administrative staff. IPT currently offers 17 Bachelor’s degrees, 14 Master’s degrees; 25 Higher National Diplomas, 14 Postgraduate Diplomas, all accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) in study fields such as: Environmental related Studies, Management, Tourism, Design, Communication, Engineering, Technology, Arts and Heritage Conservation.

IPT is a member of the ENCoRE (European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education). ENCoRE is a network organisation of higher educational institutions in the field of conservation-restoration, with the main objective of promoting research and education in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Currently ENCoRE has 41 full members and 1 associate member from among the leading conservation-restoration study programmes in Europe. In addition, 26 leading institutions and organisations working in the field of cultural heritage protection and research are partners of the network.

Research is the IPT´s institutional strategic objective, with faculty members actively involved in different national and international research projects -- largely integrated into the European research effort -- within 3 R&D centres: Technology, Restoration and Arts Enhancement Center (TECHN&ART), Geosciences (CGEO), and Smart Cities (CI2). These R&D units are funded by the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT).


Célio Gonçalo Marques


Pro-President for Internationalisation and Pedagogical Innovation


Conceição Catroga


Head of International Relations Office


D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (TAE) - Bulgaria

D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics a leading economics and business higher education institution in Bulgaria with 87 years of history, more than 150 000 alumni and a well-established reputation in education, science and project management. It is composed of 4 faculties, 19 departments, a Scientific Research Institute, 17 academic centres and auxiliary units. 

D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics employs more than 150 professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers, annuall teaching more than 4,000 Bulgarian and foreign students in all three study cycle of higher education (bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees). It offers full-time, part-time and distance-learning study in 18 Bachelor’s degree, 46 Master’s degree, and 16 Doctoral degree programmes in Economics, Business and Administration, 22 of which are delivered in foreign language.

The areas of specific expertise of D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics are economics of tourism, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, regional planning, public and business administration, sustainable development, international business, business analysis and forecasting, etc.


Margarita Bogdanova


Dean of the Faculty of Management and Marketing


Marusya Smokova


Director of the Centre for International Affairs


University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB) - Czechia

University of South Bohemia (USB) is a modern public university located in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. USB offers a unique experience in a broad range of study programmes. We educate nearly 9 500 students at 8 different faculties in more than 220 programmes including bachelor's & master's degrees as well as doctoral programmes. USB has 8 faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture.

USB is a top-quality science & research centre specialising in education and research in natural, human, health and social sciences. The USB proves its high standard by passing strict criteria of prestigious international rankings such as QS or THE. In the THE Young University Rankings 2020, the University of South Bohemia placed in the 201–250th place globally and in the 1st place in the context of higher education institutions from the Czech Republic.

At USB, research is carried out in individual Departments and Institutes of all faculties. We have two research centres focused on polar ecosystems research and fisheries and eater protections.

The research topics in relation to the field of Cultural heritage are as follows: History of Arts, Archeology, Archive studies, Heritage of non-living nature (Geoheritage) and research on local and regional identities. Ethnic music (including music of European regions),  Music in culture and history in Czech countries, History of music (concentrating on European and Czech music, Singing (focus on local folk songs and practical singing for teachers), Organization of foreign and national field trips focused on social and cultural features of various regions. The topic of preserving regional traditions and culture of the region of South Bohemia through the subject Civil education.(local and national traditions, festivals, cultural heritage), Pottery and glass making, Gallery and museum pedagogy. Topics of local fauna and flora.  Topics of water supplies, climate change, soil erosion or epidemic threads, Topics of Regional management and Tourism.


Radka Závodská


Associate Professor


Zdeňka Novotná


Head of International Relations Office


University of Camerino (UNICAM) - Italy

The University of Camerino (UNICAM),founded in 1336, is a “city campus unversity” with 286 professors-researchers, 268 units of technical-administrative staff, about 7,000 students enrolled in 29-degree courses, master's degrees, and single-cycle degrees, more than 200 students enrolled in 5 doctoral courses, about 800 students enrolled in other post-graduate courses: masters, specialization, improvement.

The historical seat of the University is in the city of Camerino, but UNICAM is present with its own venues, equipped with scientific and educational structures, also in the cities of Matelica, Ascoli Piceno and San Benedetto del Tronto. The academic organization is based on five Schools: Architecture and Design (based in Ascoli Piceno), Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine (main site in Camerino and satellite sites also in Matelica and San Benedetto del Tronto), Law (based in Camerino), Pharmaceutical and Health Product Sciences (headquarters in Camerino), Sciences and Technologies (headquarters in Camerino with activities also carried out in the associated branch in Ascoli Piceno).

The University is characterized by a wide and diversified educational offer, with numerous courses designed to create interdisciplinary connections, starting from the three fundamental dimensions of knowledge present in it (humanities, scientific-technological and design) and from a research and technology transfer activity that makes increasingly advanced tools for controlling factors of complexity available to society, the world of work and production. The quality of scientific research and training activities is constantly pursued to confirm and strengthen the role of UNICAM in the European Research Area (ERA) and Higher Education (EHEA), to contribute to the economic and social development of the country and the reference territory.

Thanks to the implementation of the international policy, UNICAM has been designed as first-place for the best small university in the CENSIS ranking during last 10 years for its quality in student service, internationalization, teaching


Renato de Leone


Rector-Delegate for International Mobility, International Agreements and language skills


Anna Pupilli


Head of International Relations Office


University of Greifswald (UG) - Germany

Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald is one of the oldest universities in Germany and the Baltic Sea Region. It maintains international cooperations with more than 200 universities and currently host international students and scholars from approximately 100 different countries.

The University of Greifswald is a research university. Its research strength derives mainly from the intensive interdisciplinary collaboration of the Faculties of Arts and Humanities, Theology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Law and Economics, and University Medicine. Cutting-edge research is facilitated by an excellent research infrastructure and close collaborations with regional, national and international research partners. The University of Greifswald makes innovative contributions to important societal issues e.g. health & preventive medicine, environment & climate, energy & raw materials, chances & risks of globalisation, one health, cultural identities and shared heritage. The University co-funds the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald (Institute for Advanced Studies) and works closely with other internationally renowned research institutions in Greifswald: the Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (FLI), the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP), the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), and the Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH).

The University of Greifswald has around 10,000 students. It offers outstanding study conditions with an excellent infrastructure for research-led teaching. Small groups and passionate teaching staff guarantee intensive supervision. The five faculties offer a broad range of subjects with a total of 144 possible degree courses. A proven quality assurance system encourages the high quality of teaching through regular external and internal evaluations of the degree courses and student feedback.

The University of Greifswald is a major catalyst for the economic and social development of its region. The University supports a healthy start-up culture and the transfer of research results to industry, policy makers and other societal actors. It shapes and enriches the life and culture in the historic Hanseatic town of Greifswald with its academic ceremonies and culture festivals, student clubs and initiatives, international events, and broad and diverse outreach activities.


Maria Moynihan

University of Greifswald - Germany

Centre for Research Support and Transfer


Hasmik Hunanyan

University of Greifswald - Germany 

Head of International Office


Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) - Netherlands

Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) is an international, specialized diverse and inclusive university of applied sciences. Established in 1966 as the National Scientific Institute for Tourism in Breda, BUas underwent a significant merger in 1972 with the Traffic Academy Tilburg, forging a fusion of technology, people, and society.

Specializing in nine interconnected knowledge domains—games, leisure and events, tourism, media, data science and artificial intelligence, hotel, logistics, built environment, and facility—BUas offers education at Bachelor’s, Master’s (executive), and Associate degree levels, alongside professional doctorates in Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality, and Arts+Creative. The majority of the academic programs are conducted in English, showcasing BUas commitment to providing a globally accessible education. The institute is dedicated to equipping students for professional excellence in a globalized and sustainable world.

The campus embodies a rich blend of historical structures and modern facilities set in an inspiring park-like environment. It cultivates a global atmosphere, hosting a vibrant community of 7,068 students, including 1,854 international students representing 102 countries of origin. This diversity extends to the faculty, with 182 out of 885 employees hailing from international backgrounds.

BUas actively collaborates with institution abroad through a network of 178 partner universities, and with industry partners that facilitate 2,000 student placements and graduation assignments annually.

The research program at BUas transcends the applied, addressing societal challenges and maintaining a strong connection with industry. The Research and Graduate School supports research talents through the Professional Doctorate and PhD trajectories, and connects research to the various education programmes.

Its involvement in KreativEU positions BUas uniquely to bring fresh perspectives to applied education and research, especially in the fields of artificial intelligence and sustainability, with dedicated interdisciplinary teams committed to these topics and their impact on society, industry, education, research, and innovation. 


Lucette Roovers

Breda University of Applied Sciences - Netherlands

Director of Global Engagement 


Latoya Tentoea

Breda University of Applied Sciences – Netherlands

International Relationship Officer


Opole University of Technology (OUTech) - Poland

Opole University of Technology (OUT) is an international institution that focuses on technical sciences, logistics, economics, management, tourism, sports, and physiotherapy. With approximately 5,000 students from over 20 nationalities, the university offers a stimulating and inspiring international environment. Its diverse academic offerings include civil engineering, architecture, electrical engineering, automation, IT, mechanical engineering, industrial design, production engineering, logistics, economics, management, tourism, sports, and physiotherapy.

The university also takes pride in its commitment to preserving and promoting cultural heritage. The Department of Economics and Management organizes an annual international conference on cultural heritage, which highlights the profound impact of heritage on various aspects of society. The conference, conducted in collaboration with partners worldwide, aims to shed light on sustainable development, equal opportunities and inclusion, ethnic minority heritage, new technologies, and legal and ethical considerations in heritage management.

The Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture plays a crucial role in bridging the technical and educational aspects of cultural heritage preservation. Their efforts include structural health monitoring (SHM) of engineering structures, dynamics of buildings and engineering structures, analysis of natural disasters, reliability assessment of building and engineering structures, investigation into the physics of building materials, and study of the durability of materials with porous structures. The dedicated researchers at OUT contribute to the field by publishing articles, enriching our understanding of cultural heritage preservation and its technical dimensions. This comprehensive approach ensures that cultural heritage remains a vibrant and essential area of study and research at the Opole University of Technology.


Aneta Kucińska-Landwójtowicz

Opole University of Technology (OUT) - Poland

Vice-rector for cooperation with social and economic environment


Elżbieta Cieślak

Opole University of Technology (OUT) - Poland

Head of the International Relations Office


Valahia University of Târgoviște (VUT) – Romania

Valahia University of Targoviste stands as a beacon of academic excellence, deeply rooted in the historical legacy of the medieval principality of Valahia. Established in 1992, our institution has not only preserved the rich cultural heritage of Targoviste but has also emerged as a dynamic force in the Romanian and European higher education landscape.

Our university boasts two state-of-the-art campuses in Targoviste and Alexandria, providing a vibrant environment for over 6,500 students, 335 professors and researchers, and 138 personnel. With 10 faculties and 90 study programmes covering diverse domains such as Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Law, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences, we offer comprehensive programs at the bachelor's, master's, doctoral and postdoctoral levels.

At Valahia University, we prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering cutting-edge research and facilitating groundbreaking discoveries. Our dedication to research spans thematic areas closely aligned with KreativEU, encompassing a spectrum of global challenges. These include archaeological and historical research, ensuring the preservation of cultural legacy; heritage research and protection, safeguarding the treasures of our past; exploration of natural hazards impacting cultural heritage, enhancing resilience in the face of environmental challenges; the intersection of science and heritage, fostering innovative approaches to understanding and conserving our shared history; promoting interculturality, facilitating cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.

The university promotes gender equality and fairness, earning recognition in global rankings for our balanced representation among professors, researchers, and students. We function as a local, national, and international university, forming partnerships with 123 institutions and businesses across 38 European countries. Our commitment to internationalization is evident through participation in programs like Erasmus and collaborations that offer a diverse range of opportunities for our students.

In essence, Valahia University is not just an educational institution; it's a community fostering academic excellence, cultural richness, local, regional and global citizenship.


Silviu Miloiu


Associate Professor


Doina Bucur


Head of International Relations and Erasmus Programmes


Trnava University (TUT) – Slovakia

Trnava University was reopened in July 1992 as the successor of the historic Trnava university, which was founded in 1635. The Trnava University is a public university and is divided into five faculties and serves 4,500 students each year within all three-degree study programs.

Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - the basic mission of the faculty, which nowadays comprises nine departments, is a Christian-oriented university education in humanities, philosophical and social sciences as well as history of arts (Departments - History and Theory of Arts, Philosophy, Classical Archaeology, Department of Classical Languages, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology)

Faculty of Education - the faculty provides education and training for future elementary and secondary-school teachers in accredited programmes of study. During their studies, the students can acquire professional teaching and psychological knowledge as well as practical instruction skills.

Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Work – the faculty provides study programmes in the areas to develop the workforce in health sciences and social care services in Slovakia and abroad (Departments -Public Health, Laboratory Medicine, Social Work and Nursing).

Faculty of Theology – with the seat in the capitol Bratislava - the faculty has gradually extended its range of study programmes (Departments - Catholic Theology, Christian Philosophy, Leading and Formation of Communities, Family Counselling)

Faculty of Law – the faculty is a centre of legal education and scientific research in the field of public law as well as private law emphasising moral principles of humanity, civic society, and principles of a legal state.

Learning facilities - University in Trnava offers students excellent teaching facilities, well-equipped lecture rooms and laboratories as well as modern computer rooms and a well-appointed library. The library has a large collection of printed materials and an extensive electronic online system. The printed collection includes about 75,000 volumes of books and periodicals, as well as newspapers, maps and other materials including material in foreign languages.


Dana Masarykova


Vice-Rector for International Affairs


Eva Matejovičova Filipova


IRO staf 


Södertörn University (SH) - Sweden

Södertörn University is a young university, founded in 1996, with a strong focus on multidisciplinarity. We offer education and conduct research in the humanities, social sciences, technology and natural sciences, and collaborate with the surrounding community for sustainable societal development. We offer high quality education in disciplines such as political science, journalism, the study of religions, aesthetics, environmental science, police education, social work with an urban profile and teacher education with an intercultural profile.

We contribute to society’s long-term knowledge provision through research, external partnerships and other outreach activities. Disciplines and research centres collaborate with societal actors to ensure that research results are utilised. Three examples of the university’s niche research areas are marine archaeology, research into urban sustainability, and public administration in Sweden. Our proximity to the Baltic Sea influences much of our research and education and we have a multidisciplinary Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES). The centre attracts many international researchers, and more than 100 doctoral students have been educated at the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS).

Södertörn University is located in Stockholm, offering an international setting for vital discussions about important contemporary issues. We have the closeness between students and academic staff found at small universities and the breadth and depth of research of large universities. We are part of Campus Flemingsberg, one of Sweden’s largest campuses, along with Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the Red Cross University College and the Stockholm University College of Music Education. The university has over 13 000 students (about 7 500 fte), almost 80 programs (12 in English) and 350 freestanding courses and over 800 employees including about 75 professors.




Andreas Åkerlund


Project Manager


Karin Granevi


Head of IRO


Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (ATU) – Türkyie

ATU hosts 9 faculties, a school of foreign languages, an institute of social sciences, an institute of natural and applied sciences and a continuing education center supporting lifelong learning. Additionally, it hosts a Turkish Language Education Center that provides international students with insight into Turkish language and culture during their study period. It also ranks among the top 10 universities in Turkey where English is the language of instruction.


Esen Yıldırım

Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (ATU, Turkey)

Full Professor


Bilge Aksay

Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (ATU, Turkey)

 International Relationship Officer



The KreativEU Alliance will function with a multi-level governance, to ensure, during the four years of EU financing, a transparent and inclusive decision making combined with an effective management and control, and also grant sustainability and openness to new Universities and stakeholders joining the Alliance.

KreativEU Contacts

Célio Gonçalo Marques

Project Coordinator


Andreia Nogueira

Project Support


Lígia Mateus

Project Support
